Wild apples Cornwall

Those of you who follow the online journal: Apples and People, may have read a recent article about the magnificent project ‘Some Interesting Apples’ that William Arnold and James Fergusson have been conducting the past few years. It’s fantastic to hear about them researching the wild apple trees that surround us, focusing mainly on theContinue reading “Wild apples Cornwall”

Grafting Workshops March 2022

RedruthLocation: Food Troops Community Kitchen & Garden at Victoria Park, Redruth (the horticultural greenhouses behind the bowling green) Monday 14th March 10am-1200 Follow link to book, or contact us to pay by cash on the dayMake your own apple trees: Bench Grafting Tickets, Mon 14 Mar 2022 at 10:00 | Eventbrite Learn the traditional skillContinue reading “Grafting Workshops March 2022”

‘Own root’ apple trees

It’s hard to see from this photo, but this is a multi stemmed apple tree which orignally fell some time ago – fallen apple trees being a common sight in Cornwall. It has regrown from where it fell at several points, creating it’s own new root systems completely disregarding the original rootstock it had previouslyContinue reading “‘Own root’ apple trees”

Pruning at Tehidy Community Orchard – with cows!

Fantastic to join the regular Tehidy park/ Cormac volunteers this week in the orchard for weeding, mulching and pruning. At one point a cow decided to run in and join us in the orchard having escaped from it’s field but lost it’s herd – making for a bit of excitement! Unfortunately I wasn’t quick enoughContinue reading “Pruning at Tehidy Community Orchard – with cows!”

Apple Canker in your orchard: Identifying and dealing with this fungus

Apple trees can live with canker and carry on as living, producing trees, remaining good for biodiversity, wildlife and fruit. It just takes a bit of monitoring and annual pruning to keep it in check. This week I’ve been pruning a ten year-ish old apple tree that has quite a significant problem with canker. ThereContinue reading “Apple Canker in your orchard: Identifying and dealing with this fungus”

Bladder campion in the orchard

An easy support plant for your orchard could be bladder campion. What a yummy, easy to grow plant with wonderful flowers for insects too. Silene vulgaris also known as Carletti, or Sculpit or Baldder Campion is a wild edible found in meadows apparently well loved and cultivated in Italy as a cooked green often usedContinue reading “Bladder campion in the orchard”