We are passionate about helping to create fruit abundance and resilience in our community. The more opportunities for sharing and connecting in order to make this happen, the more likely this will be successful. Here are some useful ways to do this: 1. Scion exchangesWe’re joining the Community RiseUp 5th Annual Seed Swap at MountContinue reading “Creating abundance of fruit in our communities, using free and low cost approaches.”
Tag Archives: resilient orchards
Redruth Orchard Update
Redruth Community Orchard Project Update May 2023 Trenoweth Community Orchard, North Country, RedruthWe are two years on from when initial investigations started to find a site for a community orchard for the people of Redruth. It’s fantastic to know we now have 24 fruiting trees planted in the new space at Trenoweth Community Orchard; designed,Continue reading “Redruth Orchard Update”
Update Feb 2022
This post provides an update of our activities in the most recent period. This is our very first update.
Apple Canker in your orchard: Identifying and dealing with this fungus
Apple trees can live with canker and carry on as living, producing trees, remaining good for biodiversity, wildlife and fruit. It just takes a bit of monitoring and annual pruning to keep it in check. This week I’ve been pruning a ten year-ish old apple tree that has quite a significant problem with canker. ThereContinue reading “Apple Canker in your orchard: Identifying and dealing with this fungus”