Creating abundance of fruit in our communities, using free and low cost approaches.

We are passionate about helping to create fruit abundance and resilience in our community. The more opportunities for sharing and connecting in order to make this happen, the more likely this will be successful. Here are some useful ways to do this: 1. Scion exchangesWe’re joining the Community RiseUp 5th Annual Seed Swap at MountContinue reading “Creating abundance of fruit in our communities, using free and low cost approaches.”

Wild apples Cornwall

Those of you who follow the online journal: Apples and People, may have read a recent article about the magnificent project ‘Some Interesting Apples’ that William Arnold and James Fergusson have been conducting the past few years. It’s fantastic to hear about them researching the wild apple trees that surround us, focusing mainly on theContinue reading “Wild apples Cornwall”

Apple trees for the community

We’ve had a good first season of providing fruit trees for planting in public spaces. Some Cornish apple trees including ‘Cornish Gillyflower’ made there way to Tehidy Country Park as part of the Apple Tree event held on 25th February over Half Term and organised by Charlotte Evans, and rangers Gavin and Stuart all fromContinue reading “Apple trees for the community”