Join the BioBlitz at Tehidy Orchard

There’s been a 74% loss of traditional orchards across the South West which was home to the largest area of orchards at the beginning of the 20th century. Traditional orchards are well known as fantastically biodiverse spaces and home to rare species partly due to the combination of tree spacing, grass and meadow between fruiting trees. Apple trees also have veteran features earlier than other trees creating gnarly trunks and holes for a diversity of habitats favoured by some species. We need to raise awareness of the importance of traditional orchards for protecting and enhancing biodiversity in our communities as well as for reducing food miles that negatively impact on our environment.

The goal of this Bioblitz project is to increase awareness of the biodiversity of orchards, improve monitoring and identification skills of the general public and get more people involved in community orchards. The project will use the 24hr bioblitz and resulting report as a template and springboard for further biodiversity research within Cornish orchards. The funding will pay for Budding Nature Cornwall- educational and science professionals – to organise, set up and deliver the bioblitz and produce a final report and Resilient Orchards Cornwall CIC to support and coordinate the event.

We aim that the impact of this project will increase knowledge and appreciation for local community orchards; public training and involvement in identification and monitoring of wildlife species; increased involvement in care for and knowledge about traditional orchards; introduce young people to caring for orchards and wildlife. The final report and record of species and biodiversity within this traditional orchard space will be vital evidence for future work on orchards in the area. The report will be disemminated to regional and national orchard, wildlife recording, and biodiversity organisations. It is hoped that any results contained in the report can then be acted on, to support particular species found or found missing. It will also help to kick start more research and sharing of results of biodiversity studies in Cornish orchards. We are also developing a Cornwall-wide Orchard Network, and an event like this and the promotion and dissemination of results will really aid us to do so.

Many thanks to South West Water Community Neighbourhood Fund for funding this project! More details about their scheme here:

Get involved in your local BioBlitz!

Over 24 hours 29/7 – 30/7 at Tehidy Country Park, based in and around the Orchard nr the Rangers Office

Delivered by the Budding Nature team and friends and supported by Resilient Orchards Cornwall & Cornwall Council

Join experts for a series of walks and activities and help us discover as much wildlife as we can in a single day.

Be an expert and see what you can find!

12 noon Friday 29th July until 12 noon Saturday 30th July

Including monitoring, recording, searching, discovering.More info to come, please save the date if you’re interested in coming along or getting involved.

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